Beware of the “it’s-all-in-your-head” diagnosis
In so many cases of misdiagnosed or undiagnosed illness, the patient is tested and examined by the doctor, and when nothing is found that the doctor can diagnose, he tells the patient “it’s all in your head”. Most of the time, it is NOT all in your head. When you hear this diagnosis from a…
Preventing Illness
Do your family a favor and get the preventative medicine tests that you need. For children, this usually means immunizations and checks for proper growth and recommended intervals. For women, it usually means pap smears and mammograms at certain ages and recommended intervals. For all adults, it means having your blood pressure and cholesterol checked…
If your doctor has made a wrong diagnosis, then obviously your treatment is going to be incorrect, and you’re not going to get better. “There is now abundant evidence that delayed or missed diagnoses are widespread and that in more than 50% of such cases there are serious adverse outcomes.”1 The most common cause of…
Your Ability to Stop Medical Errors Before They Can Affect You
If you want to avoid being a victim of a medical error, you have to participate. “Some people appear to have these characteristics such that, in the presence of an error, there is a persistent sense that something is not right and it must be pursued until a satisfactory level of assurance is reached. These…
Test Results: No News is NOT Good News
You’ve done your job– you’ve seen the doctor and had your pap smear done, or your lab work done, or your x-ray done, and now you’re waiting for the call to tell you what the results are. Here’s the problem: Many doctors don’t have their practices organized in a way that makes it certain: But…